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8:00 AM

2.9 mi


8:58 mi




123 lb


78 F
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Went to the last day of XC camp this morning, just for kicks. Didn't expect to run at all, but who can pass up a chance to see how fast they can run a mile? But during the warmup, I wasn't feeling too great, and I could already feel my legs carrying out lactic acid fermentation, but I decided to run the mile anyway. I was trying to go under 7, and I probably could have, had I not died on the last lap. I ran a 1:40, 1:50, 1:51, and then a 2:17. The last lap KILLED me. I seriously thought I was going to pass out. But I'm convinced that had I not had food poisoning, I'd be under 7. Which is a nice change to things. So after I'd gained my normal vision back, I ran two triple loops with the one kid who was still running (Elaine's shins were bothering her, and the other kid messed up his ankle, and I wasn't going to let the one kid run for like 30 minutes all by himself), and just couldn't take it anymore because I was feeling even worse than after the mile, so I just sat down and stretched.

I'm just excited because I felt like I could have run under 7. It amazes me that no matter how much I hate any distances under two miles on a track, I just can't pass up a time trial. I think the three Ibuprofen I took this morning probably helped too. Just a little bit. And my right leg is still pretty much numb, which helps as well.
