Run: Easy Previous Next


7:20 AM

3.9 mi


8:28 mi


86 F
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Haha. So boyfriends are great motivations to run: 1) you want to look hott for them, so you run to look hott, and 2) they piss you off so incredibly much that running is the only way you can keep from beating them.

But yeah, even though I was angry, I tried to do a tempo run today, keeping my pace at about 8:30. I don't remember the last time when I purposefully ran that slow, but I had just eaten at like 5, so it was all I could do to keep from throwing up. So that kept my pace pretty slow too. But overall it was a nice, calming run, which I needed, because boys are just so extremely frustrating.

I need to do some major mileage, like, a 7 mile run or something, but I am just so out of shape right now, and this stupid stomach crap isn't helping, because it keeps me from getting a good workout.
