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2:30 PM

4 mi


7:30 mi


130 lb


45 F


Ran around the fields behind the school for 30 minutes. I was in a lot of pain, but I was booking at a pretty good pace because I was stressed out from stupid midterms, and I just wanted to go out there and beat up the ground, whether it hurt me or not. My shins and my back and everything in between were killing me, but I just stopped caring, because the pain just makes me even angrier, and I run faster (as long as it's not making me tighten up). So whatever.

I was just angry. But then I felt like passing out when I was done, and I laid down, and when I got up I had this crazy flashy tunnel-vision thing going on, and it took a while to dissipate. I think it's probably because I hadn't eaten anything all day and barely got any sleep last night. Or maybe my anemia's coming back. When I get home from practice, all I want to do is sleep. So I sleep from like 4:15 until ten oclock, wake up, get a shower, go back to bed, and then wake up at 2 or 3 to study, and then go about my midterms and completely kill all of my brain cells on stupid things like physics. And I usually don't eat in the process, because I either forget or don't have time to, or nothing is appetizing enough to give me reason enough to stop studying to eat it. And I know it's bad, but I figure if I survive this week everything will be okay and I can have all the sleep and food I want. Besides, I can stand to lose a few pounds anyway so I don't look like such a whale in those freaking uniform shorts. I hate being out there on the track in them, they're just the worst things ever. But maybe they'll make me run faster so I can get the public humiliation over with sooner and put on some decent clothing. Didn't help in the last two mile I ran though. Pssh.

Okay. One more day. I can do this.

So is it saying something when you'd rather run 17 miles than take any more midterms? Stupid school. I just want to get the hell out.
