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5:30 PM

3.1 mi


7:48 mi


131 lb


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I don't have much to say. I did horrible. I was just so tired...I just couldn't do it.

And then, in an effort to make me feel better, my mom has the brilliance to say "Well, you're not petite like all those other girls ahead of you, you did good for being...." and then couldn't finish her statement because she realized she'd dug herself into a bad situation.

FAT? I DID GOOD FOR BEING FAT? Yeah, that makes me feel great. I've been trying to lose weight, and because of that I was so tired, because I'm not eating as much, but then my mom has the good sense to tell me I'm fat and that's why I didn't do well. I pretty much hate my life.

And then Slichter, upon seeing I'm upset, tells me that he wants me to run Varsity for Regionals and that I need something to shoot for. The funniest part of it all is that I'm 17th on the team. And Regionals is in like three weeks. And I'm fat. So how am I supposed to cut like two and a half minutes off my 5K time in three weeks? And still be injured? I don't know either.

I'm just so upset. I try to lose weight, but then it makes me slow, but being fat makes me slow, so what am I supposed to do? And then of course I have a mother who accuses me of being anorexic and then tells me I'm fat. Things are so messed up.
