Run: Easy Previous Next


3:15 PM

7.1 mi


8:10 mi


50 F


Well, first seven-mile run in a long long long time. It felt very good, surprisingly. Also the coldest run I've been on in a while. My ears are still hurting. But I really needed it. I had to make myself part of the running community again. A lot has happened this weekend on both sides of the emotional spectrum. First there was hearing about Ryan Shay last night, and then Paula Radcliffe, one of my personal heroes, winning INGNYC, so I had a lot of inspiration and emotion to go off of.

I'm not sure if running is a matter of cheating death or incurring it, but whatever it is, it's something I can't live without. Celiac disease or not, anemia or not, homework or not, I must run. And I'm going to.

I just realized this is the longest I've run in like 4 or 5 months, maybe more. It's just a matter of waking up one day and saying "I'm going to run for an hour today. And that's it.
