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9:00 AM

3 mi


8:08 mi


38 F
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Just went for a quick jog around the neighborhood to try out my new running shoes. They're perfect, as always. What can I say? I guess I ran faster than yesterday, and it definitely felt like I was running harder, and I am very tired right now, and feel slightly like passing out. But I may be able to run the New Year's Race on January 1st, which I dearly want to do, so I guess it'll be a good way to start off the year and get back into running.

On the same note, running is definitely a good way to think. For Christmas I got a marathoner tree ornament, and it just had me thinking all morning. Like, I may not be able to run a marathon right this second, but I have done it before, and I can and will do it again. It's something that becomes a part of you, and like most everything else, it's a state of mind. It's the state of mind that lets you say instead of "Oh man, i've only run one mile and I am so tired," "Well, that's one mile down, I'm only a twenty-sixth of the way done." It's an enduring state of mind, and all it takes is an attitude adjustment. And attitude of endurance. An attitude that doesn't mind discomfort, an attitude that ignores the pain. Marathoning is an attitude of masochism, but also an attitude of being at peace with oneself. That's not to say that there aren't those decisions of "Should I run this marathon or not, I'm very sick and I was hurling up my intestines two days ago," but I'm damn glad I did, because I would not have gotten another chance to run it with friends and family there at my side, helping me get through the ordeal. I could have gone 3:40 that day easily, but unfortunately my genetics didn't work in my favor. But it doesn't matter, because I finished, and now I can hang that ornament on my tree with pride. Because I'm a marathoner, bitches. Whether or not I can run three miles now without dying. It's just a phase.
