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3:00 PM

14 mi


8:04 mi


133 lb
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So that was it. My training is pretty much over. It's kind of hard to believe.

Ran loops at Downs. Did 1.5 loops, 1.5 loops, and then one loop.

So I felt pretty good at first, and then started feeling tired, so I ate a GU thing, and it was pretty good. No bad after taste or anything. Then about halfway through the second my left achilles started really throbbing, which I thought might be a bad thing, since it's never done that before. I was thinking about stopping, but then the GU kicked in and I felt great, until about mile 12.5, and then I just started crashing. It was horrible. And when I got back to my car, I felt like passing out and had to sit down for five minutes before I could even think about getting in my car and driving away because I was just shaking so bad.

I mean, I guess I ran really well for having only eaten 1700 calories and getting 4 hours of sleep in the past two days, but I'm thinking i probably should have stopped after the second loop.

But now like, my entire body just aches and my muscles hurt to the touch, I have a really bad headache, I'm still nauseous, and I need to go sleep bery badly.

But I can't. I just don't have time.

As this one poster for the MIT Integration Bee said up in Boston: "Math...because you can sleep when you're dead."

Unfortunately, I'm not sure which one of the two is going to happen first, so I'll think I'll opt for sleep right now. I might update this more after I wake up.
