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7:05 AM

26.2 mi


8:00 mi


174 lb


39 F
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Well I spent an hout typing about this whole experience and was nearly done and lost the whole commentary. SO here is an abbreviated version because I'm pissed about that right now. Woke up on race morning and headed into the city. We parked two blocks from the start line and L-Trains hotel which served as headquarters for before and after the race. Thank you Lance and Diane-what a blessing to be able to shower and change after the race-and so close! Headed to the start line around 6:15 and ran out of time to use the port-a-jons so we used a tree. Corralled up with Michelle and Gadman and we took off shortly after 7:00. Ran with Dad for the first mile long enough to pass the women for a photo opp. Got bound up in the crowd a bit and ran an 8:15. Seperated from him after that and even the pace back out. Tried to run around 7:54 thinking that the Garmin would be long and that would really be an 8:00 pace when it was all said and done. Stuck to the plan and felt pretty good through the half, stopping at most to the water stops and 2 gels. Used Jim's patented velcroed straw to get down the fluids with ease. Still OK until 17 where we went up a hill and back over the bridge, Started to really feel it at this point and looked down at 18 and discovered that I was running an 8:30. I began to realize that my hopes of a sub 3:30 were likely over. Just as I began to accept this realization I thought that I would try to just run one more 8:00 mile and soon reached the 21 mile mark. I just kept plugging away each mile thinking there was no way I could hold it. I was dipping slightly but knew I had just a little banked. When I got to 22.5 there was someone on the side of the road yelling " only a little more than a 5K to go, you can do it!". I thought to myself she's right I've done this distance many times. After I hit the 24 mile mark and jsut a little over 2 to go I told myself that this would be my last hard mile and I could run a high 8 to fiish the race. As I approached the last mile I just kept chugging along. To my surprise I saw Michelle with only 2/10 to go. She yelled at me as I passed her and I said hi breiefly. I could see the finish line up ahead and looked at my watch. 3:29:16. Oh boy! Last tenth and I was in danger of losing it after all the work to get here. I immediately broke into a sprint for the finish. As I crossed the line, I shouted in elation and tried to walk ahead in search of water. I soon realized that I could barely even stand. Here comes Michelle through the finish line, smiling and waving to everyone. I tell her that I can not stand and I need to lay down. She says no way and makes me walk the long journey down the street ,get some food and finally I sit down and take in all the pain. My Dad comes along a few minutes later and celebrates his big PR along with ours. What a great day and wonderful adventure. This was the hardest I have ever fought to achieve a goal and I am better for it, I think. Thanks to all of you who helped me "Redefine Possible". Will I run a marathon again? TBD


L Train

That's really awesome Eric, an unbelievable first marathon and hopefully not last. In retrospect I'm glad you had the sense to not listen to my advice to be conservative. Just a famtastic race.


Tremendous! Great race, Eric! You had great splits and you really held the pace when it mattered most. You should be truly elated, breaking the 3:30 barrier (the real goal, and a perfect 8:00 pace) when it seemed out of reach, knowing that you MADE it happen with extra effort. You have barely scratched the surface of your racing potential and your marathon memories. Boston awaits! I can't wait to try keeping up with you. Believe me, that will happen before you and I know it.


All I can say is WOW. Great write up and way too tough out the hard miles. You have probably gone through the logs from the various first marathons of the folks from Circle North and many of these people have BQ'd but few have done what you did on Sunday in their inaugural race. First time out or not this is incredible and you should be really proud of this accomplishment. Way to go. (I love the descriptions of the pain after the finish. That pretty much says it all.) From here on out, I’m calling you the Beast.


I have to add, Eric, looking at your splits after 24 miles is really inspiring. I will remember this as I just try to hold pace in my next marathon.


Those are some real nice things you said guys. Funny thing is I know it's not smoke and you actually mean it. Hard to believe I am capable of inspiring anyone, particularly as a rookie but I'll take it. It's interesting that you three here were the first to post and have been an amazing source of encouragement throughout the whole process. Thank you for that. Really, THANK YOU.


this is spectacular! so happy for you.


Thanks Cuch, I just played "You suck" backwards after 20 and it came out as "you can do it". :)


Heck of a race. I knew you were running well, but to couple that with being able to execute the plan in your first marathon is amazing.


Awesome job! I really think you were worried the old man was closing on your lead and made you stick with it! Congrats!


Nicely done Egad. Awesome debut.

Dave T.

Egad... Very impressive run! Congrats on your first marathon... The first of many to come I'm sure. What a great debut you made. You accomplished your goal and rant he race smartly! Well done!