Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:04 AM

17 mi


7:33 mi


170 lb


63 F


5 / 10
10 / 10
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Free Union


3 warmup, 8 @ MP (7:15), 5min jog, 6x800m @ 10mi-10k (3:10-3:20)

Effort rating based on how I feel, rather than objective effort. That is, a hard workout where I feel good, will be ranked a low effort. Where an easy run where I struggle will be a high effort. I think this gives better data than effort constantly tracking with the type of workout.

Every Saturday I take stock of my training and over-training. If I blow the Saturday workout it is a bit warning sign. So, considering the difficulties I had on Wednesday (lead legs), I thought this might be a bad workout. Just the opposite. While I didn't feel spry, I did feel solid through the whole thing. The early miles, with lots of hills, were a bit tough, but nothing out of the ordinary for hills. Mile 7 sucked with lots of hills, but after that, once I hit pavement and relatively flat (still rolling hills) straight-away, things felt pretty good.

The 800m repeats were no problem at all. Tough workout. Good workout. Felt great afterwards. Not tired. Energetic, even. Maybe just happy the workout went well . . . oh, and the weather was really nice. Foggy. Cool. Fall is here!

Training Plan Entry


17 mi

2mi - AHR

8mi - MP

5min Jog

8x800 - 10K-10mi pace w/ 2min jog

2mi - cooldown
