Run: Long Previous Next


5:46 PM

20 mi


6:55 mi


135 lb



9 / 10
9 / 10


Lucas, Evan and I set out for all of our first 20-mile training runs today and it went very well. We started out super controlled and maintained a solid pace, nothing too crazy, so we could get a sense of what it feels like to run for such a long time and such high mileage. Evan wasn't feeling too well and took numerous bathroom breaks before Lucas and I finished the run. However, E-Patel finished the fun shortly behind us and made for a solid ending to the evening. Training has come a long way I plan on taking a break tomorrow. I'll be in Chicago for Lollapalooza this weekend which will put a damper on my overall weekly mileage but it is very reassuring to know that I completed this training run prior too and felt comfortable doing so.

The weather was also phenomenal. A nice cool breeze and cool temps were over us, including a brief period of rain which helped a lot as well.
