Run: Long Previous Next


7:25 AM

20.1 mi


6:58 mi


135 lb


85 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map


I ran with Eli this morning as we are now back in college. This was my second 20 mile run in preparation for the Fox Valley Marathon coming up in mid-September. Overall I kept it consistent and right around the pace I plan on averaging for the marathon. I would have liked to pick it up towards the end, however, there is a heat advisory going on and the humidity definitely didn't help. Made sure to bring lots of water and some crackers to snack on this time which was a big help. I wanted to have had a higher mileage week but unfortunately, I had a little bit too much fun the last 2 days. My long run is feeling a lot better and my legs are getting used to high mileage runs. Club practice starts tomorrow so that will help with getting in some speed stuff in before race day.



wow, props to you for grinding this out. Smart call keeping the food. I am really excited to see all you guys race this marathon