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5:56 AM

8 mi


6:55 mi


136 lb



7 / 10
7 / 10
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I see you hit 35-45- and now on pace to hit 56 miles. If your body is feeling good and you're a high mileage guy, then great. But that's just on the high end of increasing mileage quickly and remember there's plenty of time to increase mileage. We'd rather be 10% undertrained than 1% overtrained.

Ryan Somerfield

@Muneeb, thats 35 w/ 2 days off, 45 w/ 1 day off, and a projected 56 w/ no days off so i dont think its as bad as you think it looks. I also disagree with your statement that you'd rather be undertrained than overtrained. I dont ever want to be undertrained (below my potential), let alone 10%, and im not sure i 100% believe in the idea of overtraining. perhaps injury or mental fatigue, yes, but what do you consider "overtraining"? i am interested in your opinion on this.


Dear Ryan,

Good catch in terms of the mileage. What I wanted to hear from Michael was if this increase in mileage was strained or natural. Obviously progressive overload is important, but too often people chase a number of miles per week rather than a more beneficial feeling of "this is hard but doable". Undertrained may not be the best word, but it fits in the phrase for the rule of thumb. I would consider overtraining to be ego-driven increases in volume and intensity that are put into place


simply to do more. Undertraining would be to restrain one's eagerness to do more until one's body is ready for it.

Michael Gerkin

Hey guys, sorry I have been slow to respond to these comments. First off, I really appreciate the input and it means a lot that you guys are keeping tabs and having an interest in my training. With response to your guys' comments, I find myself to be naturally feeling like my body is ready for this increase in mileage. I have been keeping up with running as much as I could during club season and I feel like my training now (while more difficult) is easier to maintain and is what I am capable of.


πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ Keep up the good consistency