Run: Repeats Previous Next


8 mi


Got back mid-afternoon from Philly and it was a beautiful Fall-like afternoon - NO HUMIDITY

*the guys were doing a 2x 3 Mile @ 5:10-5:15 pace

*decided to hop in every other mile and take full recovery as this was my first 'workout' since coming back


*5:16.67 (78.63, 79.04, 77.54, 81.46)

*5:11.46 (77.03, 77.91, 77.89, 78.63)

*5:21.00 (80.06, 79.26, 79.31, 82.37)

*2:33.48 (76.28, 77.20)

Left calf got a tad tight towards the end but held up OK. Felt good to get the legs moving again. Carlos broke 5:00 for the last mile of the workout! Lots of work to do but not a bad start...
