Run: Repeats Previous Next


6:00 PM

9.3 mi


45 F
  • Map

See notes


@ HCC (2.25mi W/U, 3xMile (400m jog) @ Goal 10mi RP, 6x200m (jog across football field), 2.25mi C/D) with Carlos, Phil, and David

*very wind afternoon - steady 20 mph with gusts 30+ mph

*wanted to test the knee to see how it would hold up running faster

Workout splits:

*5:17.48 (78.03, 80.10, 80.05, 79.30)

*5:15.63 (80.31, 78.51, 78.67, 78.14)

*5:12.53 (79.27, 78.42, 78.09, 76.75)

200s: 33.94, 33.89, 32.68, 32.96, 33.59, 32.18

Knee felt OK. Going to give it a go on Sunday!
