Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:30 PM

11.4 mi


5:49 mi


60 F
  • Map

See notes


Centennial Lane/Frederick Rd/Font Hill/Old Annapolis/long way around Lake/Durham E/Lynngate/Beaverbrook

*left work early as I didn't run this morning because of the rain and I am going to Greg Knapstein's viewing later

*stomach felt unsettled at the start of the run but I immediately got into a nice groove

*went through 10 miles in 58:20 (5:50/mi) according to the GPS (which is about 0.15 miles short on this course)

Splits: 6;24, 6:06, 5:46, 5:35, 5:40, 5:55, 5:39, 5:41, 5:51, 5;42, 6:13, ?

Awesome run with lots of MP miles thrown in on a very hilly course. Good day.
