Run: Hard Previous Next


6:15 AM

6.3 mi


6:16 mi


157 lb


48 F


9 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map

Falls Loop 5


Pfitz called for a race 8-15k for a total of 9-12 today. I ran hard. First couple miles felt great, third mile felt very tough. I hit some traffic lights in the 4th mile and ended up taking a longer rest than necessary. The GPS frustrated me greatly today. After comparing the distance recorded by the watch with a very close RA map, the discrepancy was a half mile. In the fifth mile, my guts were threatening.

Poor dietary decisions last night at the Winking Lizard with Jamie. Three beers - about two too many. Anyhow I paid for it. I've got to do one more of these prior to the big day. I will not make the same mistakes twice. Last night was sort of a special deal though. The two of us we're celebrating the life of our friend Allie. Ugh.
