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5:00 PM

5 mi


6:36 mi

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<No name>


8 x 1k @ Southmont's course redesigned for 8k conference this year. Coarse is tough with uneven ground, short but steep hills, and hairpin turns. Redpack worked hard today and the energy was great, just a real solid group of mentally tough guys.

My pace was 3:20-22 with Dunlap and the back guys. I went 3:20, 22, 34, 41, 37, 37, 35, 34 or thereabouts. The first and eighth are flat while the middle is the labyrinth of hills and turns. It will be a fun course to watch, especially the trampauline bridges. We might see some boxing on the hairpin turns too.

I came in at 177 lbs and have stayed around 177-178 daily. I would like to lose some pounds. Eating at the house has been difficult, I have already made some subway runs.
