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9:00 AM

5 mi


5:24 mi


Alexandria Turkey Trot 5-miler. Mediocre race; not bad, but not good: 26:59, 12th place. The order was set before the 1st mile. I don't think I left anything out there today, just felt kinda flat. I caught up to 11th by mile 3 and thought I was going to drop him but he closed in about 5:10 to my 5:19. In retrospect this seems obvious, but running a race the morning after a day of traveling, including a 3 hour time change, is not the best idea. I didn't get a normal lunch or dinner because I was on a plane, in an airport, or in a car from 11 am until 10 pm. I also might be a bit passed my peak and will have to decide whether to push through, end the season, or do a mini-break and try again in 3-4 weeks. I'm leaning towards the last choice.

Training Plan Entry


5 mi

Alexandria Turkey Trot. Fast course and a competitive field. Go out pretty aggressive, settle into 5:20 pace, and find some people to race.
