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7:25 AM

6.2 mi


10:30 mi


160 bpm
177 bpm


72 F
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I missed my Saturday run because I'm a bit run down with the mucus/phlegm stuff going on again. However, I pushed myself out today - in theory to do 7.5 miles - but did a route that I could cut short if I needed. I passed the points to cut it at 4.5 and 5.5 miles but as I got close to the 6 mile cut off point I knew it was time.

I think I may have figured out one thing - there's a big possibility that what is sparking off the whole mucus/inflammation of my respiratory tract could be heavy does of dairy products and/or high-fat foods. This time it looks like Shavuot killed me. In the past it could have been break fast after Yom Kippor or Channuka or any other holiday where I'm over-eating dairy or fried foods. I'll look out for this going forward (and try to stay off of heavy dairy products to get the gook out of my system).
