Run: Easy Previous Next


7:35 PM

11.5 mi


7:02 mi


7 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map



Great weather, great run. Coincidence? I THINK NOT #Conspiracy. Lucked out with shade for most of the run, and picked it up a lot in the second half.

Ran alone today because Paul peaced out for the weekend and cause everyone else is skutch. Joey's logic was that if it was "like 100 degrees out" and sunny at 5:30 PM, and was (allegedly) forecasted to be in the high 90s at 8PM (and not sunny) it was better to get the run over with at 5:30. Needless to say he didn't make it more than 40'. (EDIT: It was very clearly not high 90s when I went to go run. Probably the nicest it's been all week. Nice breeze to boot.) TyGu's logic was to just not run at all.



Paul Malek

Ugh buncha clowns, come on now. Solid run, runninbuddy