Run: Easy Previous Next


7:03 PM

9.4 mi


7:11 mi


7 / 10
5 / 10
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<No name>


Bit of a rough run. Had to stay up late last night, and I think the fatigue of the big jump this week finally caught up to me, because I was struggling for the first 20 or so minutes of this run. Once me and Paul got onto Menemsha, I felt better and we started to pick it up. Last 15' were at a good pace, but I was definitely feeling tired by the time we got back. Ended up being another pseudo-recovery run, but it could have also turned out much worse, so I'll take it.

With tomorrow being about 60', it looks like I'll be at around 54 miles, and then another 13 on Sunday will put me at about 67. I didn't want to bump up my long run above 90', since I just hit that for the first time last week, but with most of my runs this week being close to 70', I figure it might not be a bad thing. It'll probably come down to a spur of the moment decision during the run.
