Run: Easy Previous Next


5:20 PM

5 mi


8:27 mi

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Short 3 min. warm up run, started Garmin 5 mi. at 8:38-45 pace (8:25, 8:24, 8:26, 8:31; 8:25) closed workout with 4x20 sec. strides to work out the nervous energy. Tried to keep the pace down but it kept creepn' up on me. Strides were very releasing at the end to finish off this workout. Will try to hit closer to 8:35 tomorrow.



Good job dad! I know it's hard to run slower at this point. I've been really studying your numbers here especially as of late. Your speed paces (ALL of which you nailed) was based on a 3:45 marathon which is 8:35 pace. I wanted to stay conservative there to be CERTAIN that you would come in under 3:53 in setting marathon pace. I do believe the 8:38 range is going to find you easier than the 8:45 range on marathon day and seeing the ease in which you are completing


so many of these easy runs is giving me great confidence here. I think a lot will be based on feel but I think we will stick closer to the 8:35-8:42 range in the first half perhaps since it seems this is a bit more natural and perhaps more in line with where you are trained. Really excited for you!!!!