Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:19 PM

10 mi


6:26 mi


178 bpm
200 bpm
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Tinley Park Bike Path

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10 mile run with 35 min tempo. Traveled 5.87 miles during tempo, averaging 5:58/mile. Was hoping to hit 40 mins today, but heart rate was climbing too high near the end. I maybe could have stretched it another 5 min, but I'll save that for next week. I'm not sure how accurate that sensor is on my watch, but you can see my heart rate climb rather quickly during the tempo: 175, 185, 189, 191, 195, and 197 average at each interval. I'm still building that aerobic base, and I can tell I have a lot of work to do. It's really going to help on a mental standpoint running hard over 5 miles, so that when I race this season 5 miles won't seem so bad.



you also have to realize that you did a fartlek yesterday so you can be not only physically fatigued in your legs, but aerobically fatigued as well with your HR data showing higher than normal numbers.

Tom Doyle

Agreed. The fartlek on Thursday was not crazy fast, but I'm sure it took somewhat of a toll on my performance in the tempo. Typically I'm aiming to balance workouts/recovery days throughout the week, but I think the rapid spike in temperature caught me off guard this week. I need to start the runs earlier to avoid that. Hydration may also be a factor. I remember you mentioned trying Skratch mix for hydration; I think I will try that out, or maybe something similar like Pedialyte.