Run: Easy Previous Next


7 mi


7:09 mi

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Went to the UMary track with my brother in law who is training for a half mar but not really much of a runner. Decided to do the "Demon" workout that we always did every cross country season between state and regionals. I' really surprised my brother in law finished the workout even though we were unable to run the intervals together. In the end I was happy with this workout, I didn't know what to expect for my times coming in but was pleased with them.

1.5 mile warmup

400 @ 1:13 2mr

800 @ 2:27 3mr

1200 @ 3:59 4mr

1600 @ 5:05 5mr

1200 @ 4:02 4mr

800 @ 2:24 3mr

400 @ 1:06

1.5 mile cool down
