Bike: Indoor Previous Next


5:30 AM

19 km


13.89 mi / hr


126 lb


8 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


Mixed bag ride today. Rode a little harder than normal, since I think intervals are out of the question tomorrow. Followed class with 10 mins of abs to round out the hr.

Taking at least a few days off from running, possibly longer depending on what Amanda thinks when we chat this afternoon and what the dr says. What started as pain in my heel, is carrying up to my shin making the inside of my tibular feel bruised. Could either be shin splints, which is possible since my left calf has been getting very tight after long runs or worse case scenario could be a tibular stress fracture. At this point, I still want to try to run the marathon (6.5 weeks out) and have time to give it a rest from running to try to achieve that goal. Worse comes to worse, I can drop back to the 1/2 marathon and still have a great time with friends in Atlanta. Stay tuned..
