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6:46 AM

20 mi


7:25 mi

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Ran along the lakefront trail in Chicago. Caught up with a group of local guys (Ian, Andre, and Tim?) and asked if I could tag along for a while. We ran through some trails and up "the only hill in Chicago." It is not really my personality to ask random strangers if I can join their group, but I was grateful for the company (and to not have to set the pace for a while).

After about 3 miles they turned around to do something else and I kept going. At that time I dropped the pace down to what I hope my marathon pace will be (or a little faster). I ran about 4 miles at MP until I had to deal with some weirdness following the trail around Navy Pier. The last mile included lots of stoplights and frustrations.

My legs were shot at the end of this run. This also capped off my highest mileage 6 day period ever (I think). This is already my highest mileage week, but I am hoping to get in a few easy miles with Erica tomorrow.

Recovery is a challenge today since I went straight to the airport after the run (sitting in the cab, sitting while eating airport food, sitting on the plane) and have to work in the store later tonight.
