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8.8 mi


7:29 mi


Goal: 4 x (40s on, 60s off, 40s on, 120s off, 0.5 miles on, 120s off) at mile race pace.


40s on, 60s off, 40s on, 120s off, 0.5 miles on, 120s off

40s on, 60s off, 40s on, 120s off, 0.5 miles on, 120s off

40s on, 60s off, 40s on, 120s off, 0.33 miles on, 120s off

40s on, 60s off, 40s on, 120s off, 0.31 miles on, 120s off

Hit most of the 40s at mile race pace and the two half miles were at 508 & 507. The last two, 0.33 and 0.31, were at 511 and 503 pace.
