Run: Easy Previous Next


4:30 PM

4 mi

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94 bridge


4 mile out and back on the roads! First mile was 6:50 -_-... I like to start my runs over 7:30 pace first mile, so I need to be smart and slow down even if no one else will! I'm also going to have to go out of my way a little more to stay on soft surfaces as much as possible. Good to be back at SJU though!



Josh Moen (works at TC Running and former professional runner) told me that in his most successful year, he started every run off with the first mile being around 8:30 pace. Might not be a bad thing to model.

You've had a solid summer of training -- I look forward to seeing awesome results this fall!!!


Thanks Rob... I always thought starting my runs slower helped my training significantly. I will bring this up if someone ever questions my motives :)