Run: Easy Previous Next


7:30 AM

1.5 mi


7:16 mi


65 F


8 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


Went on an early morning run to see how my left tendon felt. Until it feels better again, I am going to keep track of my leg through percentages. Beginning of the run, it was about (70%), then went up to (75%) after a few minutes. However, it still did not feel better and if anything it was slowly dropping, maybe back to (70%). So, I stopped and ran back. I also switched my foot strike with just my left foot and surprisingly, it helped. Shortening my stride also helped with the pain. My assumption is that the tendon injury may be coming from constant forefoot striking and long strides. I am going to rest for now and see if it gets better in the afternoon. It was probably about (80%) better by the end of my run.
