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6:20 PM

5 km


5:18 mi


55 F


9 / 10
1 / 10
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Not sure what happened with this race, but it was a trainwreck. Despite heavy rain and big puddles on the track, that really didn't affect me mentally. I've done 5k's in shittier conditions, so this one didn't make a difference. The whole time, I spent that race trying to move faster, but instead of moving faster, I just kept getting slower. Kept hearing the splits go up and up: 77,78,80,82. I kept hearing the splits and trying to work my way up to people, but my legs were just not responding. Tried to swing my arms more and shorten my stride, but that didn't help too much either. I really didn't feel too tired aerobically either, felt more like tempo effort than race effort. This was strongly indicated when I finished the 5k standing up, which never happens, even when I run a bad race, because I'll at least by super tired. I really don't want to make excuses, but knowing where it went wrong will give me something to work on for next race. If my legs held me back, then I'll just get more rest from now on.
