Run: Long Previous Next


8:05 AM

15 mi


7:33 mi


58 F


6 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

A Loop


Woke up at 8:05. so I just missed the long run. Went out the door as fast as I could to see if I could catch up to anyone. Guessed they were going to the A Loop because there are no long routes in the Northern direction of campus. Started out pretty slow and relaxed for a good half of the run. Once I got a drink at Statues, I started picking up the pace a lot. I'm not sure what the pace was near the end,but I think I was near 6:30, so I sped up pretty well near the end. Used my extension as a cooldown because I was pretty exhausted by the end. Good long run overall, I think I would have hit 80 miles if it weren't for Tuesday, but I was close enough anyway. I'm going to try to push the pace for long runs a little faster if I ever have to run by myself again.
