Run: Long Previous Next


12:00 PM

10.5 mi


7:11 mi


75 F


8 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


Im a fucking idiot. I should not have run yet. My head was already throbbing in the beginning of the run, a common symptom of dehydration. After 10 minutes, it went away and my first half of my run went smoothly. My course was just basically riding along the sidewalk until I had to make a turn. I did this for a straight 38 minutes before turning back. The second half ended up chaotic and almost killed me. I started to notice my dehydration and I started to second guess myself when I was heading back to Yonsei. I ended up stopping a lot of times to recollect myself and to stay strong. Had to ask a lot of people where it was and luckily, I made it back.

This easily could have ended dangerously for me and I need to take better precautions when preparing for a long run and planning the route. Given my circumstance, I can't keep going far and far away from where I started because it can get really easy to doubt yourself. I am just glad I did not faint the way back because that could have been terrible.

The distance is also an estimate. Gonna guess based on pace.
