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4:15 PM

8 km


5:34 mi


71 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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2 x 2k @ T, 2 x 2k @ RP w/ 90"R

Decent workout. Didn't feel too hard, but felt really off, like I wasn't fully coordinated with my body. Ran this with Willy, Josh, Auburn, Frintner, and Jared. Felt surprisingly winded on the threshold, more than I'd usually be. I tried to not let that get to me and just focus on running the race pace well. First one went well, felt strong and smooth. Tried to keep that up for the next interval, kinda fell off near the end after the hill. Finished pretty tired, but not too exhausted.

I've been thinking a lot lately about my recent races from this year and last year and tried to figure out what separated good and bad races I've had. There were a lot of factors to consider, such as weather, race tactics, preparation. Taking all of those factors aside, I've really just narrowed it down to conviction. You can also call it mentality, willpower, anything to do with the mind really. I sometimes still have problems trusting my training because I just don't feel completely confident in myself, even though I should be. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself, but it's very clear that in races and workouts, I take myself for granted and not really push myself to the best of my abilities. I think that's because I panic whenever I don't feel right at a certain point in a workout/race that I feel like it's all over, when it's really not. I fall back thinking I can't keep up with them only to realize I can and get back up to them. I know this sounds like a really inflated issue, but I think it really makes a difference between a great race and even a decent race. I really believe that having more conviction will make me a better racer and a better teammate for workouts.
