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6.2 mi


5:42 mi

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5 x 7' @ T w/ 1' R

Weather was supposed to be thunderstorms all day and by the time I got out of work, it was pouring outside. Thought about running indoors vs outdoors and I decided to run in the gym, even if it meant not being able to run right after work and having to endure an hour long commute back to the gym. By the time I got to the gym, it stopped raining, but I really didn't feel like getting wet, so I stuck with the treadmill.

Used the new treadmills at NYSC. Very smooth running and the treadmill software was very user friendly. Warmed up for 2 miles and then set the mill up for the workout. 10.5 mph, which translates to 5:43 per mile. I also set the incline to 0.5. I was apprehensive about jumping right into a 5:43 pace onto a treadmill, but the transition was a lot better than I thought and I matched the speed quite well.

First rep didn't feel too hard, but I was already drenched in sweat already. Might as well have ran in the rain at that point. Didn't help that it was inside and stationary, so this was definitely more mental than physical. When I got off for the one minute rest, the treadmill stopped after 30 seconds and I couldn't get it to resume, so I had to quit and reset the machine back to speed. That's why my first rest took nearly twice as long as the others. Second rep felt the hardest because I was still adjusting to the speed and the incline. I also used their track mode so I could see some kind of visual progress, even if it didn't seem that different from a normal loading screen on a computer. Not having to worry about pace definitely helped though. Once I got through the second rep, the workout started to get easier. I also paused the machine when getting off so that it doesn't go off into shutdown mode from being untouched for too long.

Third and Fourth rep felt fine, just had to stay focused. 5th felt the easiest fortunately, so I was able to finish strong. Cooled down only a mile though because I was just mentally done. Still, I was happy with the workout and the effort. This is also the first treadmill workout I've done since freshman year of college and the workout today definitely shows why I avoid treadmill workouts.



ew treadmill workouts. Great work though!!