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1:15 PM

1500 m


4:40 mi


45 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


Ursinus College 1500m

2 hour ride from my house to Ursinus College. I shook out around 8 in the morning and ate earlier than that as well. Saw from the schedule that the 1500 was high up on the schedule, so I wanted to get there before the meet started. Ended up having to wait two hours before my race, so I snacked on goldfish to keep myself from not feeling hungry. Didn't plan my warm up early enough and I ended up having to cut it slightly short.

Chewed two pieces of RunGum since this was a morning race and I wanted to feel more alert. Onto the race, I was in the fast heat, with the fastest times being 4:05 for seed. The goal was to stay near the front and stay competitive. I was within the top 5 for most of the race, but then I started to lose steam after the 800 and fell behind, but not too much as I stayed within distance of everyone else. Didn't have too much of a kick and let one guy get me at the end.

Positives: First outdoor race of the season. Placed well in the race, 6th I believe. Wasn't too far off from my PR.

Negatives: Wished I could be closer to my 4:14 PR. I don't feel like I was competitive enough in this race. Kind of settled halfway in the race.

Overall: It's not a bad effort for the first race of the season, but man I feel like it could have been so much better. I just feel like these past few races, I haven't been as competitive or confident racing and I really don't know why. I think I need to be more mentally prepared for these races and remind myself of the successful training I've had these last few months and trust in it more. I also need to embrace discomfort better because I kind of backed off once I felt even the slightest bit of discomfort during racing. I think that's also another mental aspect of racing I need to sharpen upon. I'll keep these notes in handy as I prepare for my 5k this week.
