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4:15 PM

4800 m


4:56 mi


53 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
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UI Track


3-4 x (1200m @ 5k w/ 60' R, 400m @ mile w/ 90'R) + 4 x 200m (200m jog)

Man this was a hard workout. Definitely was not a good idea to eat an orange right before it. Thought my stomach could hold it. It did, but breathing was very uncomfortable, even on the way to the track. Since I wasn't going to be at practice, I ran by myself at the UI track. A few people couldn't do the workout at practice either, but we had too different schedules to run at the same time. Fortunately, only a few people were there so I pretty much had the first lane to myself. Did 10/5 on the way there and did some nice dynamic stretching before starting off. First 200 was in 32, oops. Controlled myself and finished in a decent time. 400 wasn't as quick as I wanted, will run faster next rep. Next 1200 was much more tiring, barely held onto sub 5 minute mile pace there. 400 was faster. Third 1200m was the end for me. I barely held onto ok running form and had to really push the last lap so I didn't fall too hard off pace. Still ran pretty hard on the 400m. 200's are in the other log. Saw Nataly doing her own workout on the track as well.

Not sure what to think of this workout. Definitely taxed me a lot with only a minute rest between 5k effort and mile effort. I'm not sure how different this workout would have been had I ran with people, but considering it was a solo effort, it was just fine. It was a good simulation for the end of a 5k race though, when you're form starts to compromise but you also have to put in a super hard effort to finish strong. That's always been a weakness of mine and this workout really pointed it out. That's something I'll just have to keep practicing in workouts.



solid workout!