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10:00 AM

6 mi


6:20 mi


55 F


9 / 10
7 / 10
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5 x 1 mile @ 5:08 w/ 3' RJ (400m)

Originally planned on running this at Franklin Field, but got kicked out just after finishing my warmup, so I quickly changed plans and ran on SRT instead. Still don't know any mark past the 1 mile mark, so miles 1,3,5 were all in one direction and 2,4 were in the opposite. Unfortunately, there was a brutal headwind going back down and it really reflected in my times. 4 was definitely the hardest and it took a lot of mental effort to not slow down too much. Didn't really do a good job with that, but at least all the other miles were consistent. Felt completely drained after the workout.
