Run: Long Previous Next


14.3 mi


6:51 mi


58 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Overslept, so I missed the long run. Didn't have enough time to do this before frisbee, so I just waited after that to run. Pretty much ran a backwards Statues and A Loop, which definitely felt weird to do. Faced some very strong winds down South Farms that winded me down very quickly. Pretty proud of this run because this was very mentally challenging and I managed to not let the wind break me down too much. There were some very unpleasant stretches in the A Loop that were brutal. Once I got out of South Farms, I started to speed back up and did so until I reached the Armory to grab a drink. Did a cooldown back to my apartment to call it a day.

Just saw that there is a workout tomorrow, so recovery suddenly became very important. Gonna try to get a lot of rest to ight then
