Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:35 AM

12 mi


8:44 mi


141.8 lb
163 bpm
180 bpm


55 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
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Great tempo run today. It really did feel not too bad. I could have easily kept going at that pace. It does look like I slowed down a little bit in my last 3 miles. I guess I was looking at my watch too much. There was quite a bit of wind on the 7th interval mile. It made maintaining the speed much more difficult.

The top of my foot hurts where the laces tighten. I think I overdid my laces on my last run. I felt some pain in my foot around mile 10 of my last run. I just forgot to mention it here. I made sure to not tighten them so much tie time. Still a little sore

Short run tomorrow, then my 20 miler on Sunday. Should be fun!

Training Plan Entry

12 mi

7 miles at threshold pace (zone 4).
