Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:27 AM

5.5 mi


9:21 mi


151 lb
160 bpm
177 bpm


75 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
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Today's "hard tempo" run was not as hard as I thought it would be. The goal for today was ~1 mile warm up, and 25 minutes at 8:05-8:10 pace, ~ 1 mile cool down. I kept my pace on the lower end of the range. My Heart rate didn't go up as nearly as high as I expected. It felt more like a moderate tempo run. Maybe my fitness is improving, maybe I just had a good day. Maybe it was luck. All I know is, it was a great run. Can't wait for tomorrow's nice easy run - give my legs a change.

I did have some stomach cramping on the cool down portion. It may have been due to the stronger coffee I brewed this morning. I forgot to put the coffee on a timer like I usually do. No more of that.

Training Plan Entry


Temp Hard: Goal Pace - 10-15

1 mile warm up.

25 minutes hard @ 8:10-8:15 min mile

1 mile cool down.
