Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:26 AM

8.4 mi


9:10 mi


148 lb
167 bpm
185 bpm


80 F
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I felt good again today. It was really great weather this morning. I'm getting spoiled by this weather. I can only hope it continues. Or maybe that's how it always is at 5:30 am.

The 6 miles at 8:20 pace felt pretty good. According to the Garmin, I was about 10 seconds faster or slower at any given moment. I just don't know if it's possible for the device to displace an accurate instantaneous pace. I finished a little faster than 8:20 pace, thanks to a nice running high with about 1/2 mile left in the run.

I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to handle this run. I never have run this fast for this long before. It was awesome to see that I able and it didn't hurt too much.

On to the next run!

Training Plan Entry


8 mi

1 mile warm up.

6 miles @ 8:20 min mile

1 mile cool down.
