Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

45 mi


15.88 mi / hr


70 F


5 / 10
  • Map



garmin battery was dying, so I turned it off until the climb at the end. not sure on exact time. Rode with joe, don, jason, and a few neighbors out and back on 114. Kept the pace easy to try to keep the group together, i did a bunch of dropping back to try to pull the neighbor-guys back to the group.

then up burke. stopped at dennis's street and rode easy until the toll road, then went ahead. i was thinking i'd be trying to maintain a good wattage, but it was steep enough that i was just trying to survive. it felt like more than 12% to me. i was a little sore from MTB yesterday, because i felt much more comfortable in the saddle than out of it, despite the grade. i thought i was going to die on the "wall," but after that it was just a steady grind.

wattage was low from some combination of mtb/drinking the day before, but that's alright, beautiful day and great views. and i still had energy at the top (it came much earlier than i expected). my back was pretty sore after this from the seated steep climbing.
