Bike: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

56 mi


22.86 mi / hr


75 F


5 / 10
  • Map

OOB half


T1 included a 1/3rd mile run up the hill to get to transition, so that's some nice bonus time.

1/2 mile into the bike, I had a truck right hook me without using a turn signal. I had to take a right turn off the course to narrowly avoid being run over. excitement already!

About 15 miles or so into the bike someone passed me, and I worked back and forth with them (and a few others mixing in there) for the rest of the race. I could have put in more effort to go a bit faster, but I didn't think it would have been worth it and nobody else passed me, so the bike was never very difficult. I felt like I probably averaged somewhere around 220 watts. The course was pretty flat with a few short hills and a 5 or 10 mile stretch of bad pavement.

took one gu, should have eaten more, of course. legs felt worse than yesterday, but not too bad. next race: try taking the day before off.
