Bike: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

66.1 mi


18.42 mi / hr


75 F


5 / 10
  • Map



team psycho sunday group ride. it was neutral for the first 37 miles, which turned out to be a very easy recovery pace. With the exception of one corner where the group accelerated and split and I had to chase for 10 minutes, it was very slow. After water at 37, we picked it up some, but I was never in too much trouble. Got to kearsarge at mile 55ish, and ethan brown immediately took off, peter followed. I jumped up to move into the second group, and then at the first steep section took off after ethan/peter. Never caught them, of course. Ended up up getting passed by two more people, could have done a little better but I didn't know how long the hill was. Easy ride home.
