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5:00 AM

48 mi


21.65 mi / hr


55 F


7 / 10


early ride into concord center for bullet train. good ride, kept the pace hard the entire way. group of 15 or so with only a few getting dropped. I tried to split it up twice in the middle but nobody really wanted to join me. at one point two of us had a gap but didn't know the route. at nagog #1 i pulled to the foot of the climb, and then dropped pretty hard to the back. worked to hang on, recovered on the way down, and pushed up nagog #2, but went too early and fell apart on the last pitch. i'll save some matches for this next time.

ran into voutila on my way to work and added on a couple miles with him. no breakfast and i was starting to bonk, so the ride to work was slooow.
