Bike: Race Previous Next


7:30 AM

25 mi


24.24 mi / hr


65 F


8 / 10
  • Map


pretty quick t1, passed about 20 people on the long long run on pavement into transition. mounting the bike, a guy in front of me had somehow knocked both his shoes off his bike and was in my way, so i had to stop in mid-leap and go around him. then it took me a while to get shoes on, i need to buy some bigger shoes.

legs a bit tight starting out, but it was also slightly uphill. tried to keep cadence up at the beginning, but i just felt like i had trouble maintaining the speed i wanted. near the turnaround i passed a guy that was close to my speed, he stayed behind me for a while and then passed, but then went too slow to be of any use and i went by again, so i was alone most of the race. I never really felt like i was comfortable pushing really hard, except maybe on the last 3 miles or so. Usually on good rides I get into a mindset where I want to crush my (and everyone else's) legs, but today i just didn't feel physically powerful enough to do it.

my goal was sub-60, so i was two minutes off that. I think if i felt good that goal was reasonable. this left me really wanting to destroy my legs on the bike, so maybe next time i'll be better rested and be able to.
