Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

17 mi


7:05 mi


80 F


4 / 10


Long run with jon, jeff, joe, paul, spinney. Nothing like getting dropped by a group 20-30 years older than you. I didn't really think about it until I started running, but I guess I haven't run this far since april. I managed to stay comfortable-ish for the first 11 miles at around 7:10, and then the pace dropped and so did I. Ran off the back the rest of the way. Feeling tired from intervals yesterday too. After this run I was surprisingly tired, I felt like I did a few years ago when I first started doing long runs. A little demoralizing, but I'm not in long run shape.

Left hip flexor tight for the last 5 miles.

7.5 hours sleep
