Run: Easy Previous Next


3:40 AM

18.3 mi


10:34 mi


63 F


3 / 10
9 / 10


Garmin fail run! So first, I forgot to turn on my garmin until .3 miles in. Then, I accidentally turned it off an on again at mile 10.5 - so the splits are broken up into 1st .3, then next 10.5, then last 7.5. That being said, this was a GREAT run. Because I kept yesterday to what my body would do, and because I didn't let Katie pull me, this truly represented a comfortable and joyful effort. I felt great afterward.

.3 (about 3 minutes)

1 11:18

2 11:06

3 10:47

4 10:45

5 10:50

6 10:55

7 10:16

8 10:16

9 10:07

10 10:04

11 04:50.0 (this was only .45 miles)

12 10:45

13 10:21

14 10:17

15 10:06

16 10:07

17 10:40

18 10:16

(11 part 2) 06:27.5
