Run: Easy Previous Next


5:35 AM

25 mi


10:44 mi


85 F


4 / 10
7 / 10


This was the hottest day of the year - 80 when I started out, and probably close to 90+ when I finished, way humid and sunny. (A hiker died nearby on this day). I kept it slow an easy for heat training - stopped at mile 11 and drank a Monster and grabbed an extra gatorade. Good run despite the heat. Feet feeling better daily.

1 10:57

2 11:29

3 11:20

4 11:01

5 10:59

6 10:43

7 10:49

8 10:46

9 11:03

10 11:12

11 11:03

12 10:48

13 10:32

14 10:55

15 10:52

16 10:20

17 10:10

18 10:29

19 10:46

20 10:26

21 10:21

22 10:15

23 10:03

24 10:22

25 10:20
