Run: Moderate Effort Previous


4:04 AM

20.4 mi


10:39 mi


72 F


5 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Despite what appears to be an easy relaxed pace, this run was kind of bonky and difficult until about halfway through. Biomechanics were good - legs, quads, glutes feeling good, but it was pretty low energy. It started out immediately with technical difficulties (new headphones didn't work). And despite how good my legs and body felt in general, the energy just wasn't there and pace for the first half was slow - took a while to warm up into the run. It was ridiculously humid which could have affected things. By halfway in, I was good.

1 11:00

2 11:05

3 10:52

4 10:50

5 11:03

6 10:47

7 11:01

8 11:02

9 10:40

10 10:32

11 10:35

12 10:56

13 10:40

14 10:37

15 10:38

16 10:11

17 10:20

18 10:18

19 09:51.9

20 09:56.8

21 03:43.8
